








四大诗人(唐):李白 杜甫 白居易 王维






众神听从宙斯命令各给了女人一份礼物:阿佛洛狄忒(Aphrodite)为她淋上令男人疯狂的激素;赫拉赐予她好奇心(curiosity),女神雅典娜(Athena)给了她无知(not wisdom),并教女人织布,制造出各颜各色的美丽衣织,使女人看来更加鲜艳迷人;神的使者赫尔墨斯(Hermes)传授她语言的天赋,即说谎的天赋(the ability to telling lies);宙斯赐给了这个女性名字“潘多拉(Pandora)”。(在古希腊语中,Pandora含有“all-gifted”-“because all the Olympians gave her a gift”(具有一切天赋之意),所以“潘多拉”即为“拥有一切天赋的女人”。)


















达佛妮虽然成了树,阿波罗仍然很喜欢她,他拥抱着树干,树叶沙沙地颤抖着。“你将成为我的树,”他说,“你将终年长青,成为胜利者的荣冠。”从此,阿波罗将月桂树尊为他的圣树,他的发上,琴上和箭袋上总是饰以桂树的枝叶。每年,他所挑选出的全希腊最优秀的诗人也被赐予桂枝做的花冠以示荣耀。这就是“桂冠诗人”(Poet Laureate)的由来。


ORIGIN OF ENGLISH(当然是英国人发明的啦,欲知详情,请看下文,但我宁愿相信一门语言不是哪个人想发明就能发明出来的,大家觉得呢?)

We speak English but do we know where it comes from? I didn’t know until I started to study on this subject and I learned where it comes from and how it has developed.

The history of English begins a little after A.D. 600. The ancestors of the language were wandering in the forests of northern Europe. Their language was a part of Germanic branch of Indo-European Family.

The people talking this language spread to the northern coast of Europe in the time of Roman Empire. Among this people the tribes called Angels,Saxons,Jutes which is called Anglo-Saxons come to England. The first Latin effect was in that period. Latin effected the language with the merchants traveling the tribes. Some of the words taken from Latin are; kettle,wine,cheese, butter, cheap.

Also in the 14th century Rome Empire weakened because Goths attacked to Mediterranean countries of Roman Empire and Anglo-Saxons attacked to empire. On the other hand the Celtic tribes in Scotland and Wales developed. At the end in 410 the last roman emperor left the island to Celtic and Anglo-Saxons. Celtic and Anglo-Saxons fought for 100 years and Anglo-Saxons killed all the Celtics. In 550 Anglo –Saxons established England. During Roma Empire Latin wasn’t the native language of the kingdom because people in the country were talking Celtic.

When Anglo-Saxons became Christian in 597 they learned Latin. According to the effects to English , the history of the language divided in to three; Old English(7th century-1100), Middle English(1100-1450/1500), Modern English (1500-now). In some books Modern English is divided in to two Early modern (1500-1700) ,Late Modern (1700-now).


When England was established there were several kingdoms and the most advanced one was Nurthumbria. It was this period that the best of the Old English literature was written , including the epic poem Beowulf.

In the 8th century Nurthumbrian power declined , West Saxons became the leading power. The most famous king of the West Saxons was Alfred the Great. He founded and established schools, translated or caused to be translated many books from Latin in to English.

After many years of hit-and-run raids between the European kingdoms, the Norseman landed in the year of 866 and later the east coast of the island was Norseman’s. Norse language effected the English considerably. Norse wasn’t so different from English and English people could understand Norseman. There were considerable interchanges and word borrowings (sky,give,law,egg,outlaw,leg,ugly,talk). Also borrowed pronouns like they,their,them. It is supposed also that the Norseman influenced the sound structure and the grammar of English.

Old English had some sound which we don’t know have now. In grammar , Old English was much more highly inflected that Middle English because there were case endings for nouns, more person and number endings of words and a more complicated pronoun systems, various endings for adjectives. In vocabulary Old English is quiet different from Middle English. Most of the Old English words are native English which weren’t borrowed from other languages. On the other hand Old English contains borrowed words coming from Norse and Latin.


Between 1100-1200 many important changes took place in the structure of English and Old English became Middle English. The political event which effected the administration system and language was the Norman Conquest. In 1066 they crossed the Channel and they became the master of England. For the next several next years ,England was ruled by the kings whose native language was French. On the other hand French couldn’t become the national language because it became the language of the court , nobility, polite society, literature. But it didn’t replace as the language of the people. English continued to be the national language but it changed too much after the conquest.

The sound systemgrammar wasn’t so effected but vocabulary was effected much. There were word related with goverment:parliment,tax, goverment,majesty; church word: religion, parson, sermon; words for food: veal, beef, mutton, peach,lemon,cream,biscuit; colors: blue, scarlet, vermilion; household words: curtain, chair,lamp,towel,blanket; play words: dance,chess,music,leisure,conversation; literary words: story romance, poet, literary; learned words: study, logic grammar,noun,surgeon, anatomy, stomach; ordinary words for all sorts: nice,second,very,age,bucket, final,gentel, fault, flower,count,sure, move, surprise, plain. (Clark, V.P. Eschholz, P.A. Rose ,A.F.; 1994;622 )

Middle English was still a Germanic language but it is different from Old English in many ways. Grammar and the sound system changed a good deal. People started to rely more on word order and structure words to express their meaning rather than the use of case system. “This can be called as a simplification but it is not exactly. Languages don’t become simpler , they merely exchange one kind of complexity for another”( (Clark, V.P. Eschholz, P.A. Rose ,A.F.; 1994;622 )

For us Middle English is simpler that Old English because it is closer to Modern English.


Between 1400-1600 English underwent a couple of sound changes. One change was the elimination of a vowel sound in certain unstressed positions at the end of the words. The change was important because it effected thousands of words and gave a different aspect to the whole language.

The other change is what is called the Great Vowel Shift. This was a systematic shifting of half a dozen vowels and diphthongs in stressed syllables. For example the word name had in Middle English a vowel something like that in the modern word father;...etc. The shift effected all the words in which these vowels sounds occurred. These two changes produced the basic differences between Middle English and Modern English. But there are several other developments that effected the language. One was the invention of printing. It was introduced to England by William Caxton in 1475. After this books became cheaper and cheaper, more people learned to read and write and advanced in communication.

The period of Early Modern English was also a period of English Renaissance, which means the development of the people. New ideas increased. English language had grown as a result of borrowing words from French ,Latin, Greek.

The greatest writer of the Early Modern English period is Shakespeare and the best known book is the King Jones version of the BIBLE.


In order to establish the language they develop a dictionary. The first English Dictionary was published in 1603. Another product of the 18th century was the invention of English Grammar. As English is replaced with Latin as the language of scholarship, it was felt to control the language.

The period where English developed most in the Modern English. In that period the people speaking that language increased too much. Now, English is the greatest language of the world spoken natively and as a second language. What will happen in the future? It’ll continue to grow , may be it will be the universal language.

Adapted from "A Brief History of English" by Paul Roberts




托马斯·克伦威尔(1485—1540)是英国近代社会转型时期杰出的政治家,英王亨利八世的首席国务大臣。16世纪30年代,他全面主持英国政府事务。在他的影响和操纵下,英国推行宗教改革,进行“政府革命”。他既解决了中古西欧持久难决的教俗权力之争,建立起国逗消家的外部主权,又加强了中央集权,确立了国王在疆域内的最高权威。他众多而经久的行政改革为“治理他着手缔造的新国家提供了整套机构。他在这一方面也和其他多方宴指锋面一样,证明他既富于远见卓识,也善于具体操作,这里他再次充分显示了一位富有建设性的政治家的风晌晌度,是罕见其匹的”[1] (P184)。克伦威尔所倡导的改革,代表了新贵族和新兴资产阶级的利益。他努力排除外力干涉来建立具有独立主权的新型君主制国家,并为英国确立了一套行政机构,奠定了英国政治的基础。因此,克伦威尔在英国向近代国家过渡中做出了卓越的贡献。





create指“有目的地把原材料制成新产品”; 也指“ 创造出原来不存在或与众不同的事物”, 如:

We've created a beautiful new building from out of an old ruin.


compose 指“ 创作(诗、画、音乐或文章等)”, 如:

The poet composed a new poem.


design 指“制作某物之前深思熟虑地构思”, 如:

It was he that designed the garden.


invent指“通过想象、研究、劳动, 创造出前所未有的东西”, 尤指“科技上的发明创造”, 如:

Edison invented the light bulb.


make是最常用词, 指“用劳动地任何制造、生产、形成或组成”, 如:

All kinds of precision machine tools are made in this factory.


produce指“通过劳动加工而生产产品”, 尤指“工农业产品”, 如:

We must produce more food for ourselves and import less.

我们必须增产橘段食品, 减少进口。

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