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你知道Sandwich(三明治)这个单词的来历吗 详细�0�3

yogurt blender milk banana Peel the bananas. Cut up the bananas. Put the bananas and yogurt into the blender. How to make a banana milk shake? Pour the milk into the blender. Turn on the blender. Drink the milk shake. ___Turn on the blender. ___Cut up the bananas. ___Drink the milk shake. ___Pour the milk into the blender. ___ Put the bananas and yogurt into the blender. ___Peel the bananas. 3 4 6 2 5 1 Listen and put them into the right order first, next, then, finally �6�1 First,peel the bananas. �6�1 Next,cut up the bananas. �6�1 Next,put the bananas and yogurt into the blender. �6�1 Next,pour the milk into the blender. �6�1 Then,turn on the blender. �6�1 Finally,drink the milk shake. yogurt Ingredients milk honey --- How much milk do we need? --- We need some milk /a little milk/ much milk / a glass of milk / a teaspoon of milk --- How many bananas do we need? --- We need a banana / two bananas/ some bananas/ many bananas. blender banana, strawberry, orange watermelon apple �6�1 Let’s make fruit salad Ingredients How much How many Ingredients How much How many yogurt bananas honey watermelons apples, oranges Write the name of the ingredient next to the correct amount. Amount one cup two one two teaspoons three Ingredient yogurt apples watermelon and orange honey bananas A: Let’s make fruit salad. B: Ok, good idea. How much cinnamon do we need? A: One teaspoon. B: And how many apples do we need? A: Let me think… We need two apples. B: OK, how much…你知道Sandwich(三明治)这个单词的来历吗?三明治是一种方便食品,即在两片面包中加上一些肉和蔬菜。它的发明者就是Sandwich先生。据说Sandwich先生非常爱打牌。他常常因为打牌而顾不上吃饭。有一次他和他的朋友打了很长时间的牌。他们饿了,但是又不愿意停下来。于是Sandwich先生就叫人拿来一些面包 (bread)、肉 (flesh) 和蔬菜 (vegetable)。他把肉和菜夹在两片面包中间。这样他即可以边吃边继续打牌,又不会因为手上有油而弄脏牌。他的朋友们很快学会了他的这种吃法。以Sandwich先生名字历掘命名的三明治(sandwich)也就慢慢流传了开来,现在三明治已成为稿橘风靡世界的快餐食品 (snack)。三明治之王是用美键烂团国切片面包做的“沙拉三明治”。如果是用圆面包做的,在西海岸叫做“潜水艇”或“鱼雷”,而在东海岸叫做“旋翼直升机”或“英雄”。 1b Pairwork Look at activity 1a. Take turns asking your partner what he or she likes in sandwiches. A: Do you like lettuce in sandwiches? B: Yes, I do. A: do you like tomatoes? B: No, I don’t. butter butter 2a Look at activity 1a. Listen and circle the words that you hear. 2b Listen again and write the ingredients in the order you hear them. First Next Then Finally butter turkey tomatoes onion slice of bread relish lettuce 3a Read the recipe. Write the ingredients under “Vegetables”, “Meat”, and “Others” in the chart below. Super Chicken Sandwich First, put the butter on a slice of bread. Then cut up an onion and a tomato. Add these to the sandwich. Next, put some lettuce and the chicken slices on the sandwich. Put the relish on the chicken. Finally, put another slice of bread on the top. Ingredients: 2 slice of bread 1 teaspoon of butter 1 onion (cut up) 1 tomato (cut up) lettuce 3 slice of chicken 2 teaspoons of relish Vegetables Meat Others tomato onion lettuce chicken slices bread butter relish 3b Fill in the following recipe with words from the box. Turkey finally butter tomato then put Here’s a recipe for a great turkey sandwich! First mustard on two slices of bread. cut up one . Put the tomato on the bread. Next, add two slices of . put two teaspoons of on the turkey. put Then tomato turkey Finally butter 以下菜名可供老师们在探究活动中参考,根据学生的基础,可选用一部分,来扩大学生的词汇量。 Chinese Food smoked fish (熏鱼) crisp chicken (香酥鸡) Beijing roast duck (北京烤鸭) sweet and sour fish (糖醋鱼) steamed fish (清蒸鱼) instant boiled mutton (涮羊肉) pork steamed with rice flour (米粉肉) home-style bean-curd (家常豆腐) Chinese cabbage with dried shrimps (海米白菜) braised bamboo shots and mushrooms (烧两冬) stir-fried green beans (干煸四季豆) bean-curd soup (豆腐汤) meatball soup (汆丸子) Western Food pork / lamp chop (猪/羊排骨) beef steak (牛排) roast beef (烤牛肉) fried fish (煎鱼) pickled cucumber (酸黄瓜) sardine (沙丁鱼) ham salad (火腿色拉) vegetable salad (蔬菜色拉) pudding (布丁) sandwiches (三明治) hamburger (汉堡) apple pie (苹果派) cream cake (奶油蛋糕) fruit jelly (果冻) Encourage the students to write the instructions. Here is an example: Instant boiled mutton First, cut the mutton into pieces. Then put them into boiling water. Take them out within half a minute. The cooked (ready) pieces of mutton are dipped into condiments to eat with cabbage and noodles made from bean starch. 3c Pairwork Write a recipe for your favorite sandwich or another favorite food. Read your recipe to a partner. A Christmas cake Ingredients: 500g flour, 200g sugar, 200g butter, 200g mixed fruit, 500克面粉,200克砂糖,200克奶油,200克什锦水果, 2 cups of milk, 3 eggs, 200g orange juice, 2 teaspoons of baking soda 两茶匙苏打粉 Instruction:烹饪方法 Beat the eggs, mix flour, butter and sugars. Put fruit, 将鸡蛋打散,与面粉、奶油和砂糖混合在一起搅匀,倒入 milk, orange juice and baking soda into them and mix 什锦水果、牛奶、橙汁和苏打粉,将它们揉成一个面团。

电影 一个什么食物制造机发明的 这叫什么?? 是出第二部了吗?

美食从天而降                 美国索尼公司发行的一部IMAX3D动画影片,克里斯·米勒导演。故事发生在大西洋里的一个小岛,名叫大燕镇,从小就热爱发明、折腾出各种稀奇古怪东西的科学家弗林特·洛克伍德通过变异水分子结构而重构成食物分子。实验刚开始,便把家里的电线烧短路了,他的父亲开始劝说他不要再搞发明而是做些正经事,在人们和镇长的请求下,他开始疯狂的使用机器,但是过度的变异导致机器和机器产生的食物都产生了智能,在朋友们的帮助下,弗林特重新赢得轮灶了人们的信任与爱护,父亲也终于把心中的话告诉了弗林特。中文名美食从天而降外文名Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs其它译名多云,有时有肉丸雨出品公司索尼制片地区美国导    演Phil Lord编    剧亮扰Judi Barrett类    型动画,家庭,科幻上映时腊键扮间2009-09-18对白语言英语、普通话色    彩彩色剧情简介编辑故事发生在大西洋里的一个小岛,名叫大燕镇,当地人以生产沙丁鱼而生活。突然有一天,世人突然发现沙丁鱼超级恶心,从此沙丁鱼就基本卖不出去了,而弗林特的家乡唯一可以赚钱的大型沙丁鱼罐头工厂倒闭了,这对家乡的经济和人民正常生活造成了巨大的影响。从小就热爱发明、折腾出各种稀奇古怪东西的科学家弗林特·洛克伍德(比尔·海德尔配音),在大家的生活最艰难的时候证实了这个问题,并想出了解决的方法,不过他的研究途径可和其他科学家不那么一样,他认为要解决吃饭问题,有一个办法是最有效的:通过变异水分子结构而重构成食物分子。实验刚开始,便把家里的电线烧短路了,他的父亲开始劝说他不要再搞发明而是做些正经事,比如到他父亲的沙丁鱼店里帮忙,无可奈何,弗林特去了。当天镇长在镇上组织了一个活动并邀请了一位气象记者去现场采访,活动现场弗林特再次开始了他的实验,结果计算错误,导致机器飞上了天空。但机器意外的飞到了高空的积雨云中,使得天上下起了食物雨,这使得大家很高兴,并请求弗林特继续下食物雨,在人们请求和贪得无厌的镇长的从中作梗之下,他开始疯狂的使用机器,但是过度的变异导致机器和机器产生的食物都产生了智能,在朋友的帮助下,弗林特重新赢得了人们的信任与爱护,父亲也终于把心中的话告诉了弗林特。

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