故事 是用用户语言编写的一小块所需功能的简短描述。 敏捷团队 实现的是系统功能的小的、垂直的切片,其大小可以在单个 迭代 中完成。
用户故事(User stories)将功能直接交付给最终用户。使能故事(Enabler stories)为支持探索、架构、基础设施和合规性所需的工作项带来了可见性。
SAFe的 需求模型 描述了工件的四层结构,这些工件概述了功能系统的行为: 史诗(Epic) , 能力(Capability) , 特性(Feature) 和故事(Story)。他们共同描述了创建解决方案预期行为的所有工作。但详细的实施工作是通过故事来描述的,这些故事构成了 团队Backlog 。大多数故事来自于“ Program Backlog” 中的业务和使能特性(Feature),部分故事来自于枣蔽段团队识别的工作。
每个故事都是一个小的、独立的行为,可以逐步实现,并为用户或 解决方案(Solution) 提供一些价值。它是功能的垂直切片,以确保每次迭代都能带来新的价值。故事要拆分得相对较小,必须能在一次迭代中完成(参见拆分故事部分)。
虽然任何人都可以写故事,但批准它们进入团队待办列表并接受到系统基线中是 产品负责人 的责任。当然,便利贴并不能很好地在整个 企业 中扩展,所以故事通常会迅速转移到敏捷生命周期管理(ALM,Agile lifecycle management)工具中。
通过使用这种形式,引导团队了解谁在使用系统,他们在用系统做什么,以及他们为什么这样做。经常使用“用户声音”的形式往往会提高团队的领域能力(domain competence);他们会更好地理解用户的真实业务需求。图2提供了一个示例。
“用户画像(Personas)”描述了具有代表性的用户的具体特征,可以帮助团队更好地理解他们的终端用户。 图2中骑手角色的示例可以是一个追求刺激的“Jane”和一个胆小的骑手“Bob”。然后,故事说明将引用这些角色(作为Jane,我希望…)。
好的故事需要多个视角的观点。在敏捷中,整个团队(产品负责人、开发人员和测试人员)对要构建的内容有一个共同的理解,以减少返工并提高吞吐量。团队使用 行为驱动开发 (BDD)进行协作,定义详细的验收测试,明确描述每个故事。好的故事需要多角度的思考:
协同编写故事可以确保所有的观点都得到考虑,并且每个人都对故事的行为达成共识,其结果体现在故事的描述、验收标准和验收测试中。验收测试使用系统的领域语言(system’s domain language)与 行为驱动开发 (BDD)来编写。然后,BDD测试将自动执行并持续运行,以保持 内建质量 。BDD测试是根据系统需求(故事)编写的,因此可以作为系统行为的权威性声明(definitive statement),取代基于文档的功能详细说明(document-based specifications)。
Ron Jeffries,XP的发明者之一,被认为是首先提出了描述故事的3C方法:
敏捷团队通常以业务可读的特定领域语言(domain-specific language)自动执行验收测试。自动化创建了一个可执行的规范来验证和核实解决方案。自动化还提供了对系统进行快速回归测试的能力,从而增强了 持续集成 ,重构和维护的能力。
由 Bill Wake [1]开发的 INVEST 模型描述了良好用户故事的特征:
故事点是相对的,它与任何具体的衡量单位无关。每个故事的大小(工作量)都是相对于最小的故事来估算的,最小的故事被赋予“1”的大小。 应用一个修正后的斐波那契序列(1,2,3,5,8,13,20,40,100),以反映估算中固有的不确定性,特别是大数(如20,40,100)[2]。
敏捷团队经常使用“ 估算扑克 ”,它结合了专家意见(expert opinion),类比(analogy)和分解(disaggregation)来创建快速但可靠的估算。分解是指将故事或特性分割成更小的,更容易估算的部分。
在标准的Scrum中,每个团队的故事点估算以及由此产生的速率是一个团队内部的、独立的事务。从规模化敏捷的角度来看,当各个团队之间的速率的基准分歧很大时,将很难预测更大的史诗(Epic)和特性(Feature)的故事点大小。 为了克服这个问题,SAFe团队最初会校准一个起始故事点基准,在这个基准上,所有团队的故事点定义大致相同。不需要重新校准团队估算或者速率。在启动新的 敏捷发布列车 时,会进行一次校准。
标准化 的故事点提供了一种方法,可以让故事和速率达到一个约定的起始基准,如下所示:
示例 :假设一个6人团队,由3个开发人员,2个测试人员和1个PO组成,没有请假或节假日,那么估算的初始速率=5×8点=40点/迭代。(注:如果其中一个开发人员和测试人员兼职Scrum Master,可能需要将其调低一些)。
较小的故事会带来更快、更可靠的实施,因为小的条目在任何系统中流转的速度更快、可变性更小、风险更低。因此,把较大的故事拆分成较小的故事是每个敏捷团队的必备技能。这既是增量发展的艺术,也是科学。Leffingwell的《Agile Software Requirements》[1]中介绍了十种拆分故事的方法。以下是对这些技术的总结:
正如 SAFe需求模型 一文中所描述的,该框架应用了一系列的工件和联系,以精益和敏捷的方式管理复杂系统的定义和测试。图7说明了故事在SAFe全局中的作用。
在规模化敏捷中,故事(Story)通常(但并不总是)由新特性(Feature)创建。而每个故事都有验收测试,也可能有单元测试。单元测试主要是为了确保故事的技术实现是正确的。同时,这也是测试自动化的一个关键起点,因为单元测试很容易实现自动化,这在 测试驱动开发 (TDD)一文中有所描述。
Last update: 17 December 2019
ORIGIN OF ENGLISH(当然是英国人发明的啦,欲知详情,请看下文,但我宁愿相信一门语言不是哪个人想发明就能发明出来的,大家觉得呢?)
We speak English but do we know where it comes from? I didn’t know until I started to study on this subject and I learned where it comes from and how it has developed.
The history of English begins a little after A.D. 600. The ancestors of the language were wandering in the forests of northern Europe. Their language was a part of Germanic branch of Indo-European Family.
The people talking this language spread to the northern coast of Europe in the time of Roman Empire. Among this people the tribes called Angels,Saxons,Jutes which is called Anglo-Saxons come to England. The first Latin effect was in that period. Latin effected the language with the merchants traveling the tribes. Some of the words taken from Latin are; kettle,wine,cheese, butter, cheap.
Also in the 14th century Rome Empire weakened because Goths attacked to Mediterranean countries of Roman Empire and Anglo-Saxons attacked to empire. On the other hand the Celtic tribes in Scotland and Wales developed. At the end in 410 the last roman emperor left the island to Celtic and Anglo-Saxons. Celtic and Anglo-Saxons fought for 100 years and Anglo-Saxons killed all the Celtics. In 550 Anglo –Saxons established England. During Roma Empire Latin wasn’t the native language of the kingdom because people in the country were talking Celtic.
When Anglo-Saxons became Christian in 597 they learned Latin. According to the effects to English , the history of the language divided in to three; Old English(7th century-1100), Middle English(1100-1450/1500), Modern English (1500-now). In some books Modern English is divided in to two Early modern (1500-1700) ,Late Modern (1700-now).
When England was established there were several kingdoms and the most advanced one was Nurthumbria. It was this period that the best of the Old English literature was written , including the epic poem Beowulf.
In the 8th century Nurthumbrian power declined , West Saxons became the leading power. The most famous king of the West Saxons was Alfred the Great. He founded and established schools, translated or caused to be translated many books from Latin in to English.
After many years of hit-and-run raids between the European kingdoms, the Norseman landed in the year of 866 and later the east coast of the island was Norseman’s. Norse language effected the English considerably. Norse wasn’t so different from English and English people could understand Norseman. There were considerable interchanges and word borrowings (sky,give,law,egg,outlaw,leg,ugly,talk). Also borrowed pronouns like they,their,them. It is supposed also that the Norseman influenced the sound structure and the grammar of English.
Old English had some sound which we don’t know have now. In grammar , Old English was much more highly inflected that Middle English because there were case endings for nouns, more person and number endings of words and a more complicated pronoun systems, various endings for adjectives. In vocabulary Old English is quiet different from Middle English. Most of the Old English words are native English which weren’t borrowed from other languages. On the other hand Old English contains borrowed words coming from Norse and Latin.
Between 1100-1200 many important changes took place in the structure of English and Old English became Middle English. The political event which effected the administration system and language was the Norman Conquest. In 1066 they crossed the Channel and they became the master of England. For the next several next years ,England was ruled by the kings whose native language was French. On the other hand French couldn’t become the national language because it became the language of the court , nobility, polite society, literature. But it didn’t replace as the language of the people. English continued to be the national language but it changed too much after the conquest.
The sound systemgrammar wasn’t so effected but vocabulary was effected much. There were word related with goverment:parliment,tax, goverment,majesty; church word: religion, parson, sermon; words for food: veal, beef, mutton, peach,lemon,cream,biscuit; colors: blue, scarlet, vermilion; household words: curtain, chair,lamp,towel,blanket; play words: dance,chess,music,leisure,conversation; literary words: story romance, poet, literary; learned words: study, logic grammar,noun,surgeon, anatomy, stomach; ordinary words for all sorts: nice,second,very,age,bucket, final,gentel, fault, flower,count,sure, move, surprise, plain. (Clark, V.P. Eschholz, P.A. Rose ,A.F.; 1994;622 )
Middle English was still a Germanic language but it is different from Old English in many ways. Grammar and the sound system changed a good deal. People started to rely more on word order and structure words to express their meaning rather than the use of case system. “This can be called as a simplification but it is not exactly. Languages don’t become simpler , they merely exchange one kind of complexity for another”( (Clark, V.P. Eschholz, P.A. Rose ,A.F.; 1994;622 )
For us Middle English is simpler that Old English because it is closer to Modern English.
Between 1400-1600 English underwent a couple of sound changes. One change was the elimination of a vowel sound in certain unstressed positions at the end of the words. The change was important because it effected thousands of words and gave a different aspect to the whole language.
The other change is what is called the Great Vowel Shift. This was a systematic shifting of half a dozen vowels and diphthongs in stressed syllables. For example the word name had in Middle English a vowel something like that in the modern word father;...etc. The shift effected all the words in which these vowels sounds occurred. These two changes produced the basic differences between Middle English and Modern English. But there are several other developments that effected the language. One was the invention of printing. It was introduced to England by William Caxton in 1475. After this books became cheaper and cheaper, more people learned to read and write and advanced in communication.
The period of Early Modern English was also a period of English Renaissance, which means the development of the people. New ideas increased. English language had grown as a result of borrowing words from French ,Latin, Greek.
The greatest writer of the Early Modern English period is Shakespeare and the best known book is the King Jones version of the BIBLE.
In order to establish the language they develop a dictionary. The first English Dictionary was published in 1603. Another product of the 18th century was the invention of English Grammar. As English is replaced with Latin as the language of scholarship, it was felt to control the language.
The period where English developed most in the Modern English. In that period the people speaking that language increased too much. Now, English is the greatest language of the world spoken natively and as a second language. What will happen in the future? It’ll continue to grow , may be it will be the universal language.
Adapted from "A Brief History of English" by Paul Roberts
Superman 是德语 Übermensch 的英语翻译词汇,通常与爱尔兰作家萧伯纳联系在一起。德国哲学家尼采在《查拉图斯特拉如是说》(1883年版)中使用了 Übermensch,以此传达的概念是“一位未来的理想型卓越人士,他超越了传统基督教道德观,创生并融入自己的价值观”。
萧伯蔽竖纳在其1903年的四幕话剧《人与超人》(Man and Superman )的戏剧名中使用了该词的英语翻译词汇。尼采的《超人说》(Übermensch)的其他英语对应翻译词汇包括 overman 与 beyond-man。超人一词目前最流行的意思是“会飞的无敌超级英雄;像超级英雄一样的人”。20世纪30年代,杰里·西格尔(Jerry Siegel)与乔·舒斯特(Joe Shuster)将 superman 作为了他们作品中超级英雄的名字,几十年之后出现了 superman 的当前普遍释义。
2.Blatant /ˈbleɪt(ə)nt/:openly and unashamedly
显然,blatant 是埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser)在其史诗《仙后》(The Faerie Queene ,1596年)中创造的,诗中描述了一个“blatant beast”。根据《牛津英语大辞典》,斯宾塞用 blatant 来称呼“一个有一千条舌头的怪物,此怪物为刻耳柏洛斯与喀迈拉所生”,代表着如肆诽谤和恶行。
有证据显示,这个词汇是苏格兰语 blatand(意思是“bleating,即羊或小牛叫”)的改写形式,但根据《牛津英语大辞典》的注释,这种释义看起来跟斯宾塞的用法相去甚远。与之相较的另一个用法来自于拉丁语 blatīre,意思是“to babble,即喋喋不休”。其“厚颜无耻的炫耀”的释义起源于19世纪后期。
3.Witticism /ˈwɪtɪsɪz(ə)m/ A witty remark
Witticism 的意思是妙语。这个词汇被认为是英国诗人 John Dryden 创造的。他第一次使用这个词汇是在《清白国度》(The State of Innocence)中,这是根据约翰·弥尔顿的史诗《失乐园》改编的一部音乐剧。在这部音乐剧中,Dryden 写道:“A mighty Wittycism, (if you will pardon a new word!) but there is some difference between a Laugher and a Critique. ”这个词汇是将形容词 witty 以 criticism 的格式改编而成。
名词 robot 意思是“一个颇似人类且能自动模仿特定认定行动和功能的机器”,20世纪20年代经由捷克语进入英语。Robot 这个词是由捷克语作家 Karel Čapek 创造的,首次出宏橡大现在1920一部名叫《R.U.R.》的科幻小说戏剧中,R.U.R.是 Rossum’s Universal Robots 的缩写。这个词汇来源于捷克语 robota,意思是“被强迫的劳工、苦工”。根据 Čapek 的讲述,是他的兄弟最先向他建议使用这个词汇的,那时候他正打算根据拉丁语 labor(劳动力)创造一个具有相似含义的词汇。
根据《牛津英语大辞典》,cyberspace 的意思是“虚拟现实的空间;一个支持电子交流的抽象环境”。很显然,这个复合名词是 William Gibson 在他1981年的科幻短篇小说《燃烧的铬》(Burning Chrome)中创造的,小说于1982年在杂志《Omni》上发表。那时,构词成分 cyber- 已经存在有20年了,也由此创造了一大批与计算机文化相关的一次性构成词或用来表示一些未来性质的概念。
6.Serendipity /ˌsɛr(ə)nˈdɪpɪti/ 机缘巧合、意外所得
词汇 serendipity 是英语演讲者非常喜欢引用的一个词汇。这个词是 Horace Walpole 在他1754年写给 Horace Mann 的一封信中创造出来的。在这封信中,他解释了如何形成这个名词的,即参考童话故事《塞伦狄普三王子》的主人公 Serendip 王子们 “因为机缘巧合或是远见卓识,总是会发现一些意外之喜”。沃波尔时代这个词汇很少被使用,但是到了20世纪却广泛应用起来。
7.Droog /druːɡ/ 街头匪帮中的一个年轻人
安东尼·伯吉斯(Anthony Burgess)的《发条橙》充满了创造性的语言,其中一个词汇尤为突出:这部1962年小说的主人公 Alex 使用了 droog 来称呼他的三个朋友,用来指“街头匪帮中的一个年轻人”,该词根据俄语“毒友”改编而来的。
8.Intensify /ɪnˈtɛnsɪfʌɪ/ Become or make more intense
Intensify 的意思是“使加强,使强化”。这个动词来自于塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)的想法。这个词第一次出现是在1817年的有关他的文学传纪的注释中,诗人捍卫了他的创造词汇,提出短语 render intense “打破了句子结构,破坏词语位置与思维逻辑位置的和谐性”。
9.Sensuous /ˈsɛnʃʊəs/
很显然,形容词 sensuous 是由约翰·弥尔顿创造的,它的意思是“感觉上的,依感观的;诉诸美感的”,以避免与已有词汇 sensual 之间的必然联系。弥尔顿第一次使用这个词汇是在1641年。这个词汇曾出现在《约翰逊字典》(Johnson’s dictionary)中,后来由塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔律治进行了再造。
10.Eucatastrophe /ˌjuːkəˈtastrəfi/
据说是J·R·R·托尔金构想出的这个词汇,用来描述“故事中的事件突然得到了圆满解决;一个令人愉快的结局”。在一封1944年的信中,托尔金是这样解释这个创造词的:“I coined the word ‘eucatastrophe’: the sudden happy turn in a story which pierces you with a joy that brings tears. ” Eucatastrophe 中的 eu 起源于希腊语 εὐ——意思是“美好的”。
在《一九八四》中,乔治·奥威尔创造了一种他称之为 Newspeak(一种指东说西、模棱两可的官腔)的语言。这部小说衍生出一个词汇并被广泛使用开来——这就是 doublethink。Doublethink 用来表示同时接受相反的意见或信仰。在奥威尔的小说中,doublethink 是极权政治教化的产物,这也促成了其目前的释义。
12.Blurb /blɜ:b/
一个 blurb 是书籍、影片或其他书面作品基于推广目的而做的简短描述。这个词汇是1907年由美国幽默作家吉利特·伯吉斯创造的。其首次被发现是在一个漫画书皮书套上,此外还有一个年轻女孩的图画,伯吉斯将这个女孩称为“Miss BelindaBlurb”。
《牛津英语大辞典》援引1914年版的《Burgess Unabridged:A New Dictionary of Words You Have Always Needed》一书中的说明作为该词的第一条使用证据,伯吉斯将 blurb 定义为:“1.A flamboyant advertisement; an inspired testimonial.2.Fulsome praise; a sound like a publisher. ”
13.Chortle /ˈtʃɔːt(ə)l/ 哈哈大笑
儿童文学是一个新词频出的领域,其中 chortle 是尤为突出的一个绝佳示例。它既是一个名词也是一个动词,路易斯·卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll)在《镜子战争》(the Looking Glass,1871年)对此作了首次介绍:“O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!’ Hechortled in his joy. ”词汇 chortle 可能是 chuckle 与 snort 的混合词,意思是“以一种喧闹、愉快的方式大笑”或“一种喧闹、愉快的大笑”。
14.Cloud cuckoo land 过于乐观和荒唐的幻想状态
跟 superman 一样,Cloud cuckoo land 也是一个翻译词汇,但是这个短语来自于希腊语。在古希腊戏剧作家 Aristophanes 的喜剧《鸟》中,剧作家使用 Cloud cuckoo land 命名了由鸟类建造的城市 Νεϕελοκοκκυγία,该词由希腊语 νεϕέλη,即 cloud 与 κόκκυξ,即 cuckoo/杜鹃鸟组合而成。1824年,Henry Francis Cary 将其翻译成英语“cloud cuckoo land”。其当代释义“脱离现实的幻境”形成于19世纪晚期。
15.Tattarrattat /ˌtatəraˈtat/
爱尔兰作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)是另一位热衷于创造词汇的作家,虽然他创造的很多合成词没能进入常见用法中。《牛津英语大辞典》收录了 tattarrattat “一系列简短急剧或敲击的声音”的意思,并使用乔伊斯的《尤利西斯》中的语录进行了阐述:“I knew his tattarrattat at the door.”作为《牛津英语大辞典》中最长的回文式词条,tattarrattat 的确非常引人注意。
英 [ˈhɪstri] 美 [ˈhɪstri]
例句:We have a different background, a different history. Accordingly, we have the right to different futures
当把对过去的事件作为整体看待时, history是不可数名词; 当history指过去事件的系统叙述时是可数名词,可加不定冠词a,也可宽圆有复数形式。作“历史学”解时前不加冠词,特指学校的课程或考试的科目时首字母可大写。
关于story是谁发明的和的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站。