





The concept of a self-service grocery store was developed by Clarence Saunders and his Piggly Wiggly stores. AP was the most successful of the early chains in Canada and the United States, having become common in North American cities in the 1920s. The general trend in retail since then has been to stack shelves at night and let the customers get their own goods and bring them to the front of the store to pay for them. Although there is a higher risk of shoplifting, the costs of appropriate security measures will be ideally outweighed by the economies of scale and reduced labor costs.

According to the Smithsonian Institution, the first true supermarket in the United States was opened by ex-Kroger employee Michael J. Cullen, on August 4, 1930, in a 6,000 square foot (560 m²) former garage in Jamaica, Queens, New York.[1] The store, King Kullen, following King Kong, operated under the slogan "Pile it high. Sell it low." When Cullen died in 1936, there were seventeen stores in operation.

A Safeway advertisement from the 50'sExisting grocery chains like Kroger and Safeway at first resisted Cullen's idea, but eventually were forced to build their own supermarkets as the North American economy sank further into the Great Depression and consumers became price-sensitive to an degree never seen before.[2] Kroger took the idea one step farther and pioneered the first supermarket surrounded on all four sides by a parking lot.

Supermarkets proliferated in Canada and the United States, along with suburban areas after World War II. At present, North American supermarkets are often co-located with smaller retailers in strip malls and are generally regional rather than national. Kroger is probably the closest thing to a national chain in the United States but has preserved most of its regional brands like Ralphs, City Market and King Soopers. In Canada the largest food retailer is Loblaw Companies. Loblaw Companies operates grocery stores across Canada under a variety of regional names such as Fortinos, Zehrs and the largest Loblaws (named after the company itself). Sobeys is Canada's second largest supermarket with locations across the country, all under the same name. In the UK Tesco is the largest chain of supermarkets followed by ASDA and Sainsburys.

In Britain, France and other countries, the proliferation of out-of-town supermarkets has been blamed for the disappearance of smaller, local grocery stores and for increased dependency on the motor car (and the consequent traffic). In particular, some critics consider the practice of selling loss leaders to be anti-competitive, and are also wary of the negotiating power large retailers have with suppliers. Supermarkets are found around the world in dozens of countries.

It was formerly common for supermarkets to give trading stamps. Today, most supermarkets issue store-specific "members cards," "club cards," or "loyalty cards" which are scanned at the register when the customer goes to check-out. Typically, several items are given special discounts if the credit card-like devices are used.

Today supermarkets face price competition from discount retailers such as Wal-Mart and Zellers (non-union labor and greater buying power) and warehouse stores such as Costco (savings in bulk quantities).






第一台计算机的诞生 第二次世界大战期间,美国军方为了解决计算大量军用数据的难题,成立了由宾夕法尼亚大学莫奇利和埃克特领导的研究小组,开始研制世界上第一台电子计算机。

经过三年紧张的工作,第一台电子计算机终于在1946年2 月14日问世了。它由17468个电子管、6万个电阻器、1万个电容器和6千个开关组成,重达30吨,占地160平方米,耗电174千 瓦,耗资45万美元。这台计算机每秒只能运行5千次加法运算,仅相当于一个电子数字积分计算机(ENIAC即"埃尼阿克")。






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